Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Couldn't sleep.......I have been thinking a lot about how children bully each other.  You  don't see it a lot in a  five year old , but it happens. It  hurts my heart that children bully other children!!  What would ever cause a child to try and hurt another child's feelings?  I think it is directly related to the lack of discipline that children receive now.  AND the way THEY are treated and respected or disrespected by their parents.
In my class this year, we are going to have a new NUMBER ONE rule - ABSOLUTELY NO HURTING SOMEONE ELSE'S FEELINGS OR BODY.
I always let the kids HELP me make the rules, then we try to stick by those all year and "drop a lollipop" if a rule is broken.  Each child starts out with 3 paper lollipops in a pocket on a wall  chart.  At the end of the day if you have kept ALL lollipops, you get a green smiley face on your hand.  :)
I am going to teach my children to STOP being mean, rude to others (if they start) and even to step in to stop other children they may see doing the same.  Our guidance counselor has mentioned this to them - I think it is great.  If we can stop it this early, we may be able to make a difference when they are older......WHY do people try to hurt other people?  I will never, ever understand this.

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